A Puddle! || Friday Magnify
"Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together."
Psalm 34:3
We have had so little rain last year and this, that our town mandated a water ban. And out of all years, this is the year my garden is looking really good!
From what He does in Scripture, we know God sometimes uses natural disasters and weather as blessing or judgement. Watching current events all over lately, I can't help but wonder if He has withheld rain because of unrepentant, ungrateful hearts. So this week we have been praying: turn unbelievers in this area to their need for a Savior, bring them to repentance, and bring us rain!
Last night it started raining, and it has rained all the way into this morning. It has an extra sweet sound and smell this time! Regardless of what He chooses to do with the weather and people's hearts, my job as a Christian is to praise Him. Thank You Lord, for the rain. Thank You that you still send rain on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45). Thank You for sustaining us.
His grace is enough. We can't make the rain fall, and we can't stop it up. But we can - should - pray to Him for our needs and give Him all the thanks when He blesses us!