Welcome! I’m Amy, wife to Josh and mama to three so far. I started Strength & Song when our oldest was an infant because I craved depth. I saw many places and people focusing on moms and how hard and miserable and rough motherhood was; there weren’t many sharing the goodness and beauty and purpose of motherhood. At the time, there weren’t many who pushed moms to dig deeper in their faith and see how God is involved in our lives.
I believe Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever - and if He can strengthen and equip people in Scripture, He can do so with a young mama today. If He can get David through persecution so that David rejoices in his Savior - He can teach me how to rejoice in the struggles of motherhood. I can learn more about God and how wonderful, how powerful, how incredible He is. So I’ve made it my aim to see Christ and Him glorified, and I pray that He uses my life to encourage and strengthen others (like you!).
Strength & Song began with a magazine, which I adored! At the time, it was only me putting together content and producing the magazine. After a while God brought a wonderful friend, Natalya, to help with many things. She was a gift then and is still one of my close friends! God has since led me to pause the magazine, and let Strength & Song be quiet for some time. He always has lessons for us in the quiet, so I have pressed in and let Strength & Song go on the back burner.
The magazine is still something I’d like to bring back but I am waiting on the Lord to give me the right timing and means. For now, I write and share in other ways. He will use this all as He sees fit!
Now, for some fun facts - I don’t know about you, but I love reading other people’s fun facts!
Sometimes I leave my hair natural and curly, and sometimes it’s straight.
I love coffee but I’m not into the myth that it’s vital for moms to survive.
From childhood, I’ve wanted 10 kids. Still holds true - at least 10! (Josh also wants a house full to the brim, he loves kiddos!)
We homeschool our kiddos and love it so far.
Josh and I were pen pals at age 16, and the rest is history.
We were married in a barn, and - see that picture of us holding hands? As we were saying our vows, a chicken popped her head in so that all the guests could see and giggle. We totally missed it.
For short periods of time, Josh and I each lived in other countries; Josh was in Ecuador and I was in Belize. I miss Belize regularly, it was a time the Lord did a lot of good work on me!
Rarely will I ever turn down ice cream. It’s the best food ever. :)
- Amy