Merry Christmas 2024
Every year my mind swirls with thoughts of all kinds.
How challenging is it to ride a donkey for miles…while pregnant? Did the animals recognize this baby was special? What would it be like to birth your Creator? Thank God this only happened once - He only needed to come once - God came to earth as a man!
What is my response? Thankfulness, so much thankfulness, whether breakfast is on time or not. Thankfulness even if the tree is dead and gone, which it is, hanging on by a few needles. The tree that reminds us how our Creator spent His first days as a human in a manger, and was later hung on another tree - taking our sins with Him forever.
I hold our infant and think of Mary, what amazement she must’ve felt. I watch our older kids open their gifts and shout for joy, smiling big, and I wonder what God thought as He watched the shepherds and wise men excitedly search for His Gift. The best Gift. What joy!
Merry Christmas, friends. God is so kind.